Can You do CBT on Yourself?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a present-oriented therapy that focuses on learning. Throughout CBT sessions, you will learn to identify your problems and to analyze your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors.

During cognitive-behavioral therapy, you will learn to recognize dysfunctional thinking patterns, practice new ways of thinking, and discover strategies to replace negative thinking patterns with more constructive ones. Your therapist will most likely give you “homework” and ask you to apply these changes in your day-to-day life.

CBT’s final goal is to help you rewire the brain permanently and teach you to apply the new coping skills into your daily life.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can increase your mindfulness concerning conscious thoughts and help interrupt automatic negative thoughts. Some of the CBT tools you can use daily to reframe your thoughts more positively include cognitive restructuring or reframing, journaling, positive affirmations, relaxation, and stress-relieving techniques.

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring or reframing is a central technique in CBT but can also be as useful to anyone who struggles with negative self-talk and dysfunctional thinking patterns. Reframing is based on the principle of cognitive mediation.

Cognitive mediation says that our emotional state is not the result of what happens to us, but it results from how we think of that experience. In other words, you can change the way you feel by changing the way you think about what happens to you.

Cognitive restructuring teaches you to recognize and change your dysfunctional ways of thinking and disengage from them by identifying your thinking patterns’ irrationality and replacing them with more realistic thoughts instead.


Expressive writing or journaling is an excellent way to get in touch with your thoughts. The benefits of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without censoring them are myriad. Journaling can help remove mental barriers, better understand your thoughts and feelings, and come to a reflective understanding of yourself.

Writing down your thoughts and emotions can help you unlock your intuition, find better solutions to your problems, manage mental health concerns, and improve your overall well-being.

Download CBT Self-Care Journal here

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements about ourselves that you can use to overcome anxious ruminations. Affirmative statements about yourself can help you get beyond self-criticism, boost resilience, improve your mood, and enhance your interpersonal relationships.

Relaxation and Stress Relieving Techniques

Some progressive relaxation techniques such as muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and visualization or mental imagery can help you alleviate stress and increase your sense of control.

Mindfulness Exercise

Mindfulness practice helps relax and calm your mind and stop the negative self-talk that causes anxiety and depression. Mindfulness encourages conscious control over your thoughts and behavior and helps you understand that negative thoughts that flood your mind are just that, thoughts.